People Pulse: Tell us how it feels to be part of Team Croydon!

As a regular check in, in between the NHS staff survey, we are now running the NHS People Pulse throughout July. It's a short survey that 'temperature checks' how you are feeling throughout the year.

It’s a confidential and very quick and short survey that takes just five minutes to complete.

Some of the questions asked include:

  1. Is the Trust proactively supporting your health and wellbeing?’  
  2. Do you feel well informed about important changes taking place in your organisation?
  3. In your team, do you support each other?

If one or more of these questions has sparked an answer from you, then we strongly encourage you to take the time to tell us all about it by filling in the short survey.

Complete the survey

You can find the link to the survey here, or scan the QR code below to complete it straight from your phone. 

We want to hear from you about how you are feeling in real time, so we can make a continuous effort to improve our working culture.  Our goal is to create the best possible environment for staff to work in, but we can’t do this without your input. As a result, we once again encourage you to take the time to complete the survey, which closes on 31 July.

Welcome to The LINK

Submit your team news story today!


Submit your good news story

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Internal News

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You can become a Domestic Abuse Champion - find out how

Staff have been invited by the Trust's Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Worker to become a Domestic Abuse Champion (DAC), to help you become better equipped with the knowledge of how to spo...

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Trust-wide policies and procedures recently uploaded onto the intranet

The latest trust wide policies and procedural documents have been recently uploaded to the intranet. If you wish to submit a policy or procedural document for ratification, send it to Michaela Ma...

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Sign up for upcoming Recruitment Inclusion Specialist (RIS) training

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People Pulse April 2022 general graphic.png
People Pulse: Tell us how it feels to be part of Team Croydon!

As a regular check in, in between the NHS staff survey, we are now running the NHS People Pulse throughout July. It's a short survey that 'temperature checks' how you are feeling throughout the year. ...

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New security provider at Trust

On Monday we welcomed Assist Security Ltd as the new security service provider for the Trust. Find out more about the transition here....

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